Hiram House Camp
EST. 1896
Campership Fund
Give the magic of camp!
Supporters like you are a vital part of the equation!
What is a campership?
A Campership is financial assistance available to children who otherwise may not be able to afford and attend camp. Hiram House camperships youth from low income households, foster care and kinship care youth and youth involved in a social service agency. We also collaborate with various organizations to enroll youth who may have been the victim of, or witnessed violence and youth with severe trauma. A majority of our overnight campers are eligible to receive aid for some portion of their camp stay. Each summer roughly 60-65% of our overnight campers are on some form of campership to attend either 1 or 2 weeks of overnight camp.
Families or Agencies interested in receiving assistance may call the office for more information (216) 831-5045.
Donations to the Campership Fund and proceeds from our special events help support this worthwhile program.
(Hiram House is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Your gift may be tax-deductible.)
For additional information, please contact:
Courtney Nicolai, Executive Director
The Hiram House
33775 Hiram Trail
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Phone: (216) 831-5045
Fax: (216) 831-2477
e-mail: [email protected]
Since 1896 Hiram House has been committed to helping the youth from our local communities. We never waver from our mission to open new horizons for children of all backgrounds. Youth can discover the joys and beauty of nature through camping and develop vital physical, mental, emotional, and social skills. They build character and create great memories that will last them a lifetime.