Hiram House Camp

EST. 1896

Pool and Bathhouse Campaign

Thank you to all our donors who helped make the new

HI HO CA Pool a reality!

Hiram House Camp grand opening of new outdoor swimming pool (June 17, 2023)

Benefits of the New Pool

  • Many of our overnight summer camp youth are from the inner city or rural areas without access to safe play areas and pools.
  • A new pool with zero depth entry will allow campers with disabilities safe access into the pool.
  • Zero depth entry/shallow end and splash zone available for non swimmers.
  • Program expansion to serve youth with medical or other physical disabilities.
  • First Aid station located at the pool.
  • Safe swimming environment for our campers and staff with easy access for emergency vehicles.
  • Ease of access for maintenance vehicles.
  • Upgraded pool with greatly reduce our yearly maintenance costs.

The New Facility Features:

  • Zero depth entry pool
  • Water features
  • Bathhouse including ADA compliant bathrooms and changing rooms for boys and girls
  • Outdoor pool deck showers
  • First Aid Station
  • Covered Pavilion with seating and fireplace
  • Decking, fencing and robust landscaping
  • Maintenance Room

Pathway Project

You can still participate in the Pathway Project. Help us continue to build our walking trail to the new pool. Be a part of this incredible project and help us create new memories for our campers!

Dive In & Donate

All donations will go towards maintenance, pool equipment and life saving supplies.

Donate Today!

Dive In Today and support the Hiram House Pool and Bathhouse Campaign. For questions or conversation about donating please contact our Executive Director Courtney Nicolai at (216) 831-5045 or [email protected]

Hiram House Camp new Pool Ground Breaking Ceremony