Category: Uncategorized
New at Camp for 2024
Hiram House has decided to make some really cool changes for this upcoming summer.
Included with your registration fee, Hiram House will be offering 1 free limited edition camp t-shirt for each camper registered. They will receive their shirt on the first day of their first session. This limited edition t-shirt will change every year so your camper can now collect new t-shirts over the years.
Camp Canteen (previously known as Camp Store)
We will now be including, with your registration, healthy snacks that campers can get at the Camp Canteen each day.
Here is how it will work:
For 2 week sessions, the first Friday will now be ICE CREAM DAY and the second Wednesday will be SOUVENIR SHOPPING and ICE CREAM DAY. All other days campers will receive a choice of a healthy snack. For the 1 week session, ICE CREAM DAY and SOUVENIR SHOPPING will be on that Wednesday.
Ice Cream Day and Shopping will be considered PREMIUM DAYS in which a camper will need money on the Camp Canteen Account.
Camp Canteen money must be deposited into the camper’s account prior to their visit thru your CampBrain account. DO NOT SEND MONEY WITH YOUR CAMPER. Cash will not be accepted at the Canteen. You will be notified of any balance in your child’s account at the end of the summer and it can be refunded. Parents will receive a menu of healthy snack options which you can discuss with your camper ahead of time.
2024 Registration Dates
It’s that time of year to start thinking about Summer 2024. Returning Camper registration will open soon so make sure to sign up early to ensure your spot next summer. We are already deep in the planning mode!
Dates to know:
- Registration for Returning Campers will be November 1, 2023
- Open Registration for all campers will be January 2, 2024
47th Annual Pumpkin Festival
Its time for our 47th Annual Pumpkin Festival!!
Join us on Sunday October 14th. To purchase tickets click here and More info
В подборку вошли вещи, рекомендованные крутыми людьми, такими как комик Беви Смит и модель Сьюки Уотерхаус, а также другие вещи, которые мы любим самих себя, – мы должны добавить что подарить жене на день святого валентина, что ни одно из них не разочарует. Большинство вещей из этого списка доступны на Amazon, но мы нашли некоторые из них и в других местах, для тех, кто любит делать покупки. Редактор цифрового ресторана Бон Аппетит сказала нам, что она в основном живет в этих льняных комбинезонах, которые «похожи на ваши любимые поношенные джинсы, но при этом свободны, мешковаты и свободны, в отличие от ваших любимых поношенных джинсов».
Summer Camp Staff Reports Next Week
Pre-Camp training starts for all staff on Tuesday, June 5th with Leadership Staff reporting to camp on Monday, June 4th. Remember your packing list as we will be sleeping out under the stars one night. Bring costumes, instruments, card games, creativity, enthusiasm and crazy sense of humor. We look forward to seeing old faces and making new friends. Any questions please contact Ken Fortuna or Konner Lashley at (216) 831-5045

Virtual Reality Sandbox
New this summer……Hiram House is going hi-tech!! Our first Virtual Reality Sandbox! Check it out in person at tomorrow’s camp fair at Hawken school.
Large investments are made in the development of casinos in Atlantic City, which in the vast majority pin up of cases pay off in the shortest possible time. Las Vegas casino support corporations are deeply concerned that Atlantic City is a serious competitor to the first gambling capital. Gambling now plays a vital role in the urban labor market. According to the latest data, about 33 thousand people are employed in gambling establishments.
Our new Program Director
We are very excited to announce that Hiram House is expanding its staff to include a dynamic Program Director who will offer a new perspective and new programming idea’s to Ohio’s oldest camp.
Welcome to Hiram House Konner Lashley!

Winter Campout
Unleash your inner camper!
Come and CAMPOUT at Hiram House Camp!Saturday, January 20th from 6-10pm. Join us for an evening of craft beer from Sibling Revelry Brewing, dinner, music, games and more!